Thursday, August 9, 2018

Credit Cards Without Annual Fees

Why use cards without annual fees? They're FREE! These are the credit cards available in the Philippines that DO NOT charge an annual membership fee.

These are the credit cards without annual fees that are available in the Philippines:
Citi Simplicity Plus
PS Bank Mastercard
Metrobank M Free
AUB Cards (all of them, but we will only cover the Easy and Classic here)

Citi Simplicity Plus

Annual Fee
Income Requirement
Monthly Interest Rate
Monthly Balance Transfer
Other   Perks and Benefits
ZERO PhP180000 3.5% 0.99% No late fees, no overlimit fees

Why use this? Very easy to apply for, very generous credit limits, it's a Visa Platinum (At least you can access the Visa Concierge; I reviewed that here.). It's a Citi card, so you will have to use Citi's credit system (different from the usual; reviewed here.)
More information here

PS Bank Mastercard

Annual Fee
Income Requirement
Monthly Interest Rate
Monthly Balance Transfer
Other   Perks and Benefits
ZERO PhP180000 3.54% 0.68% Cash rush (SMS cash advance PIN)

Why use this? Already more or less a Classic card
More information here

Metrobank M Free

Annual Fee
Income Requirement
Monthly Interest Rate
Monthly Balance Transfer
Other   Perks and Benefits
ZERO PhP180000 3.54% 0.68% Cash2Go loan system

Why use this? You can make use of Metrobank's extensive range of offers for discounts and special transactions. You can see those here.
More information here

AUB Easy Mastercard

Annual Fee
Income Requirement
Monthly Interest Rate
Monthly Balance Transfer
Other   Perks and Benefits
ZERO PhP120000 2.95% N/A Billing and payment dates determined by you

Why use this?
You say when you pay and when you are billed, very easy to apply for

More information here

AUB Classic Mastercard

Annual Fee
Income Requirement
Monthly Interest Rate
Monthly Balance Transfer
Other   Perks and Benefits
ZERO PhP250000 2.95% N/A Billing and payment dates determined by you

Why use this? You earn points which can be used to redeem air miles and other rewards

More information here

Your card is your card. Spend the way you wish and pay as you wish. Just be ready to pay your bills. Remember that you will take care of all of that. If you want these cards, you can apply at one of these websites. I did, and they all work!


Thank you for reading my blog. Feel free to comment and if you need to reach me personally, leave me a comment saying just that. I read all my comments.

*All images here were just taken from the internet with the assumption that they are in the public domain. This blog was written with no intention of damaging anyone's public image, just sharing my opinion.

Philippine Credit Cards

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